Mineral Occurrence
This collection contains point location and attribute information for mineral deposits, mineralised zones and mineral projects from Geoscience Australia’s OZMIN database.
Mineral Occurrence Geoscience Australia
- information (text/html)
- The landing page of this server as JSON (application/json)
- The landing page of this server as HTML (text/html)
- This document as JSON (application/json)
- This document as RDF (JSON-LD) (application/ld+json)
- This document as HTML (text/html)
- Queryables for this collection as JSON (application/schema+json)
- Queryables for this collection as HTML (text/html)
- items as GeoJSON (application/geo+json)
- items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD) (application/ld+json)
- Items as HTML (text/html)