Field Site
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This collection contains field site locations for geological observations and physical samples collected by Geoscience Australia's geoscience surveys in Australia and Antarctica. Attributes provided in this collection include header information,...
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This collection contains airborne, land, and marine geophysical surveys conducted or managed by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor agencies, as well as surveys from State and Territory geological survey agencies. Attributes provided in this...
Gravity Station
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This collection contains a network of permanently placed and documented Benchmarks used to tie different gravity surveys to a common datum. The network was set up and is maintained by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor agencies, with help from...
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Information about samples of all types, eg. spot samples, or intervals down a wellbore or along a section. Includes information about location, sample type, sample ID, sampling method, sampling feature type, geological setting, and flags indicating...
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This collection contains boreholes drilled by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor organisations (BMR, AGSO), all boreholes drilled in Australian Commonwealth offshore marine jurisdictions, and a selection of onshore boreholes drilled by...
Mineral Occurrence
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This collection contains point location and attribute information for mineral deposits, mineralised zones and mineral projects from Geoscience Australia’s OZMIN database.
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This collection contains point location and attribute information for mines in Australia, including relevant commodities, operating status and geological information.